Since Whatsapp launched it’s growing exponentially. Almost you will find everyone on this platform so businesses want to use this Whatsapp platform for their business communication. Keeping this in mind we develop API which helps to send WhatsApp messages. API we can use for sending automated messages, to trigger messages when specific event occurred and where
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Many people are thinking about their business. They are stuck in the lockdown because of corona virus. They are losing their daily business and some of them are also would be in huge loss because no business for so long time still they have to pay all overheads. So obviously many from them could be thinking
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There’s a lot of business buzz right now about the WhatsApp API, and with right reason. WhatsApp has over 1.7 billion consumers around the world. It’s a quick and convenient way for keeping in touch with family members and friends. And keeping in mind it is best and quick way of interaction many companies worldwide are
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Every day, WhatsApp is increasing their consumer base and now has been reached to 1.6 billion worldwide users. There are a lot of potential customers for any business, of every niche. Any business could get at least a handful of new clients when there are billions available on one platform. But how do we can use
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